Transcribe Allen, George N. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1873-07-28)
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be deferred, I think that a much larger sum could be counted on.
But should you go this fall
I hope to give you an order for a few hundred dollars worth of material - minerals & fossils. I know not precisely the terms you would expect to require. If the time of payment were extended to the date of delivery a larger amount might be pledged than if the money was to be advanced soon. Perhaps you will inform me on that point. From what you said I apprehend that $500 or $600 weld secure for us a fine display of the copper lead & zinc our European mines, the (Duleyshanx Fluors, Calcites, Quartz & c, with moderate single specimens of the new forms; also many of the most interesting European forms of fossils in [Ammonites] (and allied genera,) cri-