Transcribe Kean, R. G. H. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-03-18)

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[page 2] able to say, that in my confident opinion all suitable arrangements of that kind would gladly be made. The Legislature of Virginia a few weeks ago, passed a permanent law giving an annuity of $30,000. to the University= This with its other resources will put it in the power of the Board of Visitors to make the requisite provisions - As a new Board will shortly be appointed, of which I may not be a member. I cannot of of course make any representation, which should be regarded as an obligation - but - I say this only out of abundant caution- There is in my opinion, no reason whatever to doubt that a gift so valuable to the interests of edu- cation - and to physical science - one which would be at once an ornament and attraction to our university; would be warmly appreciated by any Board of Visitors, whom the Governor may appoint. I believe I may say further that there is no place in the south, where such a gift would be so useful to southern culture, or would be more highly appreciated ^by the educated & public-^

     I have the honor to be Very Respectfully Yours

R. G. H. Kean Reston