Transcribe Jackson, Peter V. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-10-25)

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The east this summer. Washington, Niagara, the Thousand Islands, the centenial exhibition & etc. & does not expect to return before January: He is still one of the unmarried ones; & has no Impedimenta:

  Somehow the news of your Uncle Seldens

death was very saddening to me. & I doubt whether anyone could have had the same which I have had amount of correspondence with him, without feeling that he was one of the best of men. & in Purity & Justice, vastly the superior of those who would rank with him.

  I shall treasure his memory, as one of 

my best friends:

  There had always been with me a belief

until Mr Gafney's co was formed. That I should some day. utelize the Midas Mill, & make Judge Selden's heart Glad over the investment, & just now. Just as the Mill has passed from my control, the opportunity comes, In on the head of Willow creek. lodes have been discovered, & worked the past summer, the size & richness of which, in comparison with those of Hot Spring Dist. - are of the most encour- aging character. - but then the mill is gone;

  I hear from reliable men, that Mr

Gafneys enterprise, will prove a failure; & though I have nothing but detestation for Sterman, I hope better for our Rochester men who have Interested themselves with him. My family [written vertically in left margin - are quite well & I have plenty of work just now preparing for winter . Wish I were with you in Italy, in France P. V. Jackson] [ybg]