Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Fairbanks, Franklin (1892-11-12)

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I say nothing further about the </u Cabinet of Skeletons > of which I sent list in my last letter. If you are still considering them or any other of my material beyond what you feel </u now > disposed to pay for, I will allow you, say, three to six months credit, without interest..

</u For >, I would like to make the matter large

enough so that I can afford to bring with me a conchologist and label properly your Collection of Shells, </u many > of which are now </u far off > in the naming. Furthermore, I have for long years greatly wanted to have some part in your large and </u beautiful > Museum. If I do not come now, I fear I </u never > shall !

    I hope that my present letter may not seem 

at all importunate. I have thought you might possibly be helped by my suggestions. Hoping to hear from you at your convenience, I remain, Sir. Yours very truly Henry A. Ward.