Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Fairbanks, Franklin (1892-11-12)

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</u $35. > of </u Actual Fossils >. This because there are some Zoological divisions of </s the > fossils , as the corals and Brzozoans, which can not be satisfactorily represented as </u casts. >

    In this way your Palaeontological Cabinet

would be reduced to a much smaller size, and its cost to (175 +35) </u $210. > Then add the great </u Glyptodon > for the lower floor. The price (you furnishing pedestal) will be </u $145. >

    Thus  </u $355.> as the total for a very full

useful and showy representative of ancient life on the globe, - from earliest to present times; from lowest to highest forms.

  Every Teacher, Student and visitor will prize

such a Collection. Now to complete the Geology let us add the </u $50. > Collection of </u Rocks > described in enclosed pages, -49 to 67. Also the two models of </u Vesuvius > and </u Mt. Blanc > illustrations </s aye > </u igneous & asyuous > . causes, Together </u $252. >

  I thus offer you for a total of </u $430. > a

collection less in individual species and in volume, but wider in its scope than the area offered in my last letter for </u $545. > I had hoped that you would take the </s prev > first offered one, because of the great </u display > it makes. But this smaller one is - </u proportionately to its size, >- better for teaching.