Transcribe Boyd, H. W. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-01-11)
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Jan 5, 1876
Prof H. A Ward
my dear Sir,
Neither the elk
skeleton, nor the antelope - I let you
have, were ever treated with any
kind of acid or alkali. no chemical
ever touched them while they were in
my hands. - I got them in the flesh,
macerated them in water from the Lake,
and put them in the sun light to bleach.
that is the only treatment they ever had.
I believe I have never cheated
you out of one cent, knowingly. all
the specimens I ever sent you you
were privileged to return if they did
not suit you, which you seem to
have always done. - The last lot you
got, you saw before we [traded?] and
if they did not suit you, you
ought not to have taken them, and
then turn on me and say "You