Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Smith, Francis H. (1876-03-13)

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nwh [page 1] Rochester, N. Y. March 13. 1876. Professor Francis H. Smith. University of Virginia. Dear Sir.

       I write you to-day of a matter which will

probably much interest you as it pertains directly to your department of knowledge in your most excellent Institution. I will make my story very short by saying at once that a gentleman of my acquaintance who is a lover of the truths of Science and who is greatly interested in the educa- tional prosperity of Virginia Institutions is seriously considering the question of presenting the University of Virginia with a a Cabinet of Natural Science to be made by me during the ensuing year or eighteen months. I have been instructed by him to write to you and ascertain your exact position in the matter of Cabinets in the several departments of the Nat. Sciences, to learn