Transcribe Lee, George Washington Custis. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-02-29)
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ybg Mar 6 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Washington and Lee University, LEXINGTON, VA. 29 Feby, 1876 Prof. Henry A. Ward Rochester, N. Y. Dear Sir:
Your letters of the 17th & 19th
inst, respectively - the former enclosing answers to Carpenter's questions as to some details of Cabinet Cases - reached me at the same time. The Postal Card of the 20th inst. arrived the day after the letters; and now I have in addition to items above mentioned, Your letter of the 24th inst. with enclosed Postal Card, to acknowledge. I have carefully noted all your directions and suggestions, and will try to have them faithfully carried out.
All the sash (for the Cases) will
be 1 3/4 thick - that in Geological Hall will be 6 ft. high, and that in