Transcribe Lee, George Washington Custis. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-04-12)

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                            Washington and Lee University, 
                                               LEXINGTON, VA.
                                                                    12 April, 1876

Prof. Henry A. Ward, Rochester, N. Y. Dear Sir:

    Your note of the 8th inst.,

with the enclosed Postal Card, reached me yesterday. The locks have arrived safely, and our Treasurer will send Mrs Jenks a Dft on New York to cover their cost as soon as he receives the bill.

    I beg that you will not al-

low yourself to be annoyed at the mistake in the drawings of the cases for Zoological Hall. The cases look very well as they are - the base being about the same in height as the base of the cases in Geological Hall. The cases in both halls, and the