Transcribe Smith, Francis Henry. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-04-12)

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the building you are planning may be so architectual, that $15000 put into the hands of the Board of Visitors, may be inadequate to the work, & they might be under the disagreeable necessity of returning to a plainness of construction which, would be displeasing to our benefactor & unsuited to the site you seem to prefer - or of doing what would be Excepionly unpeaceful; bothering him again with the matter.

    I tell them they need have no

apprehension. I am sure if the building is to be better than was at first contemplated Our friend will see that his own wishes can be carried out,

    But to relieve them entirely, am also

to put you in possession of all the minutiae of the situation, surroundings &e, I will run on to Rochester, if you think fit, & see you in person, & we can then