Transcribe Hyatt, Alpheus. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-04-11)

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Do you mean to sell those sponges? If you do I wish to be the purchaser. If you do not mean to sell them you better leave them with me for some of them are necessary as types in the series of Mimous which I am writing. I have sent you one or if I have not I will so you can see what I mean. The second Memoir on the true solid-frbud Keratosa has been prepared a year and will soon be published. When I come to the group Chalinulae to which most of your sponges belong. This will occupy the next issue as third Memoir. Now if you will not sell them and will not let me keep them, you must promise to let me have them again next winter as _________!!! The Cape of Good Hope Largoniae would be acceptable if you mean to part with them, Please let me know.