Transcribe Hyatt, Alpheus. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-04-11)

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the Polar Bear and Monkey are very fine and arrived in excellent condition. I shall send Astro -phytons as desired, you can be sure and put them in your catalogue if you wish. I hardly know what to say about Banows. He is young, seems industrious and anxious to do well. Has done some quite respectable work on birds and is conscientious in his work. He is no genius but might turn out just about the man for you. He ought to be able to do what you want after some experience very well indeed but I do ^not^ like to predict or cast a man's horoscope. He has had a good eduction but what use can he make of it is more than any one can tell. However I think he is worth trying because you will get very few young men