Transcribe De Kempeneer, Charles E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1884-01-02)
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Sydney, January 2, 1884
Prof. H. A. Ward,
Dear Sir,
I just received a letter from Mr. Cheeseman, and what follows is a copy of it: [Dear Sir - I received your letter of November 6th some little time ago, but have waited until a meeting of the committee before replying. I am now to inform you that the committee will accept your offer of an engagement at the rate of £240 per annum, paid monthly, working 44 hours per week. The engagement would be for one year certain, after which three months notice might be given by either side. I reference to this, I should say that it is our intention to employ a taxidermist permanently, so that in all probability we should wish to keep you much longer than the year, if you yourself were agreeable. The engagement might commence any time after April 1st next, before which time we could hardly be ready.
I should be glad to hear from you at an