Transcribe Chichester, C. D. Letter to Ward, Frank Addison (1885-02-10)

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I may find. I find that the Bridgehampton carcass has landed in a pond about 6 miles to the West of Armagansett and I shall go there on Thursday also, if not tomorrow, for I may be able to find some of the smaller vertebrea which will go nicely with the skeleton. I have some 36 ribs, both, scapula, sternum, skull entire, and when I get through with the Southampton carcass I hope to have nearly all of the back-bone. The fact that I will have to work in so many places, makes the expense, quite a little more but as all of the Whale captured were The "Right Whale" I hope it will be a good successful trip after all. I shall do my best to be in Southampton by Friday of this week but as you can see it will depend upon my success with the other carcass and pieces.