Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1882-08-30)

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nwh [page 6] Different hand Henry April 30, 1882 Rochester, N. Y. August 30, 1882 Dear Father: -

       Your letter of the 26th inst. received

this morning. By putting this on the train this afternoon I hope it will reach you before leaving Montreal.

       Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Dolly took

Mother to her cottage at Long Pond. She thought that it would be much better to take her away from the noises of the city, and also keep her from having any thoughts of household matters.

       The other day Mrs. Dolly said that although

Mother talked quite rational on many subjects yet her laugh was not right _ it sounded ^like^ the sound of an insane person.

       Mother now fancies that you hate her and

wish to kill her, - seems to dread your being around. While she is in this frame of mind I should not think it best for you to take her out riding. I have been riding with her twice since you left. The two nights respectively succeeding the ride she slept but little.