Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1882-01-13)

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nwh [page 1] Right margin Different hand Henry Jan. '82

Rochester, N. Y.January 13 1882

Different hand March 6 Dear Father: -

       During the last few weeks

I have been in quite an unsocial, uncommunicative mood; so have put off writing you, until now. It seems to do no good to fight against such feelings; so I let myself alone and they gradually die out.

       How I wish that I could have gone with you on

this last trip! If I stick to my studies for the present I may be able to work into some position that will enable me to visit a great many interesting localities.

       In your last letter you speak about Latin. I thought

I had told you that I had dropped it. Latin has always been an exceedingly difficult study to me; and unfortunately, hard study does not agree with me, so I dropped it.

       Had I continued Latin this year, it, and the other studies

at the Academy would have occupied a full sixteen hours per. day; thus leaving but eight hours for sleep and other recreation. I don't think that this is at all overdrawn, for some of the boys, whose memories are better than mine, have to study even harder than this.