Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-11-08)

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       She takes dancing lessons under

Miss Kate Quinby.

       I am trying to instel into her mind

a due respect for mathematical studies; but the carrying of tens in addition seems to strike her as being very prosaic and unimportant.

       Grandfather is well but seem to be

growing father petulant. "Tis very unsatisfactory to argue any point with him.

       Mother is quite well. Charles has

been on the sick list but has again tackled work.

       I have been reading Lucile and some 

of Shakespeare's works, Scribner's and the papers. The Academs runs satisfactorily.

       I have re-commenced lessons in Elocution

under Miss Hale, and am going to take lessons in dancing. Weather here is quite unsettle both in regard to heat and moisture.

       The Society of Amer. Taxidermists is getting

ready for a grand exhibition shortly to be held in Boston. There is nothing particular of interest to write about. Your affect. son, Henry L. Ward.