Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-11-08)

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nwh [page 1] Differant hand Henry.> Nov. "81

Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 8/81

Different hand Dec. 24 My Dear Father: -

       I have not heard from 

you in a long, long time: but hope that you are well, happy, and collecting lots of fine things.

       Mother discovered, this afternoon, that

today is the twenty- first anniversary of her wedding day.

       Things around the house are all

ship-shape for the coming winter. The first shop yard-around the Large Museum needs a little fixing up, which I intend to look after.

       Alice is prospering finely, has gone into

business trading small fragments of minerals and rocks to the youthful neighbors - in return for which she takes birds eggs.