Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-09-08)
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[page 2] Geometry, Drawing, Rhetoric, Elocution, and Chemistry.
I dropped Latin as I was
afraid it would be too much for me.
Alice is greatly interested in
Physiology and Astrology, dividing her time between dissecting kittens etc, rooler skating and listening to grandfather's stories.
A general day of prayer was
proclaimed by the Goveernor to take place to day on account of the President. The ministers immagin that in the bulletins a decided improvement is shown arising from an immediate answer to their suplication. The chances seem favorable for his recovery.
I am now reading Owen
Meredith's Lucile: I like it very much. No more time as Mr. Baker is waiting. Your affectionate son Henry L. Ward