Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Henry Augustus Ward (1881-03-03)

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       Study has always been the

hardest kind of study work for me, it being almost impossible for me to keep at it for many hours without some relief.

       We have been having a great

variety of weather lately. It will turn warm and melt all the snow seemingly just to make the people afraid of a flood, which does not come, and then the mercury will drop to zero, a lot more snow come and the operation is repea- -ted ad infinitum; so often in fact that colds have become exceedingly fashionable.

       I  have</u< have to write a composition

this P. M. on "Which have been the most misused, in America, the Indians or Negroes, as I do not know much about the question - Top of the page I must study it up but am afraid that the subject will be most "too much" for me. Your affectionate son, H. L. Ward