Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-11-24)

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nwh [page 1] Rochester, N. Y. Nov. 27th 1879 Dear Father,

       I've received your postal of the 20th inst.

I have been very busy both at home and at school. We are now having an examination so I can't tell much about my standing untill it is finished, it commenced this morning and so far I have done first rate.

       They have got the telephone in woorking order

so that about one half of what is said at one end can be heard at the other.

       How do you think that your exhibition will

pan out?

        I hope that it may succeed, As I have always

hope in similar ventures. They always seem pretty risky but I suppose it is the only thing to do under the circumstances. You ma thank your stars that you have not been home for the last week or so