Transcribe Pond, J. A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-04-31)

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thought of before following in his track first I painfully agree with your opposite remark "I daresay that you like myself have more real sympathy with the party which we have left than with the party who would call us theirs" - very true, that is so, & yet you consul not silence, but an active measure in this matter here I disagree with you. Those who are true to their Christian tenets cannot be much better if we cut them asunder from their religion & from their hope & presuming that in ignorance we take a fearful step & draw them aside from what may be true. That I do not believe it does not necessarily prove that it is not, & though I doubt much in the religious teachings of our people I can but admire much also. No I cannot wish others to leave a belief in which they trust so implicitly with such deep conviction of a future happy state & so true