Transcribe Max, Gabriel Cornelius von. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-11-23)

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Translation Munich, Nov. 23d 1880 Respected Sir: Your letter afforded me much pleasure. I had supposed you were unwilling to have any further dealings with me because of my dilatory payments, for which various fripperies that dissipated my cash were to blame. Now, however, everything is in satis- factory condition and the times being much better here, if you are willing (allowing one month for transmission of letters and replies) to collect for me on your travels, I am prepared to purchase whatever is not al- together too high in price. But I can not send you any money in advance since I should like to select only such material as is suitable for me purpose, and moreover, as I already have many objects from Mex- ico. I have, as you know, purchased from Mr. Schilling of Hamburg, the collection of Mexico-Peruvian antiquities. I am com- missioned to paint a picture for a wealthy N.Y. gentleman, and think, I can have a