Transcribe Manigault, G. E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-07-29)

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natee and cetaceans, heads of xiphioid whales, dental armatures of rays, vertebrae of a gigantic fish, undescribed as yet, casts of several shells and even bones of the mega- therium and american buffalo. I have very few duplicates of these so far, and can scarcely offer you any, but as I wish to pay for what I want from you, as far as possible, in specimens, I will mention that I can send you a well prepared skeleton of "Emys serrata" on a mahogany stand, and a number of "Unis spinosus" that I am expecting shortly from the Altamahu river near Darien, Ga. I remember that when I saw you at Rochester you said that you wanted some of those shells, and I hope that you have not yet been supplied. They used to be very valuable, but I am told that some enterprising collector has been down there and gathered up large numbers which have been thrown upon the market, and consequently the price has fallen. If you have any number of Unios for sale and they are specified in one of your catalogues, I shall be glad to have a copy Very Respectfully G.E. Manigault [ybg]