Transcribe Manigault, G. E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-07-29)
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</u Manigault > July '79 Charleston, S.C. 29th July 1879
Aug 2
Dear Professor,
I am expecting your
second letter which will state the prices for mounting the birds and whether you can furnish the two peafowls. male & female. In the meanwhile I will say that I have put aside over 30 sharks teeth, of which 20 are a trifle larger than your smallest out- line and the others somewhat smaller than the larger figure. I have a few very large teeth, but it is impossi- ble for me to let them go at the cut- ing prices. They are too low. There are a good many other fossils found in the phosphate beds. Vertebrae of sharks. teeth of elephant and mastodon, bones of ma-