Transcribe Lucas, Frederic A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-03-28)

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ybg Mar 28/ 83. Dear Prof. Ward.

    I return the proof enclosed in your's

of the 27th I accept the amendment to Sleeping Mammals and will furnish an article </u with illustrations >, and as it comes after the show hope to do the subject justice. We took a part holiday on account of Howe's death, and Prof. Baird came in this P. M. His curiosity was excited by the infernal machine I was constructing and I explained it was a group of turtles, then he asked H's assistant what figure he was making - the Taxidermist for the N. Y. Ex. - And what are you at Mr. Hornaday ? Arranging photographs for the S. A. Z. Then he laughed and remarked that having finished for the London Exhibition we are all at work for New York.