Transcribe Howell, Edwin Eugene. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-05-26)

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<.s ordering > asking him to get the costs of Antiquities from the British Museum and ship us as quickly as possible. They are for the </s Chotoqury > Chautauqua Archeological Museum. They are to pay just what they cost here, and we are to copy them if we wish to, for which privilege we are to mend them if they are broken and worent them whole to Chautauqua. Gregory ia owing us over $100. I urged upon him the necessity of getting the things off to us as quickly as possible. I wonder if he will do it? The bulletin is 2/3 printed and all goes very well. Charley is at work printing and packing Casts now and is doing very well indeed. Preston don't amount to very much - He is very careless and thoughtless and will never move the world. I believe I have written everything that I need to. Mr. Baker will write all the ship news & c.

                           Very truly yours
                                        Edwin E. Howell

Bought 57 nice Distyrphytons last week, and I think I will get the whole find - 400 more! [another hand vertically right side- <.u Howell > May '81] [ybg]