Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-04-18)

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also be "personally responsible" for its safe return. An instance of many, " a little less than kin and more than kind."

  I will send $50. at once for Printing. If proof

is delayed much longer you will have to read it there. & correct. Of course put in additional pieces, as 94a. 94b, & instead of </u fractions >. I sent Webster 50 labels two days ago, for all the boxes that came from the Establishment,- yours, his, Bailey's, Lucas', Storcks', Critchley's, etc. I think they will surely be enough. Send all messages to the Museum, and also </u all letters >. There is always several hours delay in letters sent to the house. They are delivered here at 9:30 A. M. & I don't see them till 6 or 7 P. M.

    Studer is threatening heavily and </u may > print

something, but I doubt it. If he aims it at me only it will be all I ask, for I hope he will not try to drag others into it. Davie gives me the unsolicited information (without my having even mentioned Studer's name to him) that "he (Studer) is a </u dead beat > of the </u first water ." > The underscoring is his. Therefore I close. Yours, a little nearer the end. W. T. Hornaday I send you some cards for you to post at once for the opening Reception.