Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-12-01)

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time to get it in the exhibition. Martin's mt. Sheep head should be got ready, but it will not.

    I hope you will not need to give

Cones more than his expenses, for he ought not ask more. and if you have more than $35 to donate we need the rest of it more than he does. Our expenses will be about $250. - and where the money is going to be advanced I don't know.

    Webster's group of flamingos is

going to be stunning, and a great credit to the Establishment. But he has nearly laid himself up by working too hard upon them. I am anxious for you to read my paper on "Artistic Groups". I will try to stir up an interest in such work, and make museum directors feel that their museums are not complete without a few fine groups, such as Webster's for instance. Yours hastily, Wm T. Hornaday.