Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-12-01)

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ybg Rochester, N. Y.

      Dec 1st 1880.

Dear Prof Ward;

    I have just written 3

letters of some length to Messers Cones, Allen and Wm H. Beard. Studio Building, 51 Tenth St, N. Y. To each I enclosed a copy of the document I send you in this, and to Mr Beard I sent a pkg of other documents as well. Perhaps you had better call upon him. I informed each one that the Society will pay all their expenses. and if necessary they need be here but one whole day. </u Monday > , Dec 13th I hope you will write to Messrs Allen & Cones & help persuade them. I hope you will be home next week to help us along and give us good advice. Mr Ely is friendly now, & Mr Vick is more so.

    Marteus is home bur so far he has

not done a </u thing > toward getting his spms ready, & it looks as tho' he does not intend to. It is a </u shame >, and were he not a German he would be ashamed of himself. The antelope is not ready, neither is the tiger. I fear Mr Howell is going to keep Mr Bailey so long packing fossils that he will not have time to mount that deer head for Rienstadt in