Transcribe Brown, R. R. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-12-08)

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Brown, R. R. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-12-08). Page 1

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Bloomington Illinois
Dec. 8th 1879.
“ 22
Mr Henry A. Ward
Rochester N.Y. –

Dear Sir,
Yours of 2nd is just at hand, was sent to Bloomington Ind instead of B.- Ills.
I have never seen any Sterescopic views prepared on glass. If the list you sent me are carefully labelled, and I can use them to an advantage in the kind of Sterescope that most of us have, and it will not be necessary for me to get one especially for them, I want the specimens; but permit me to say, that I do think your price is too high. I have been offered a number of the same specimens, by a N.Y. House prepared on glass for the Microscope at 50¢ each and a discount; and certainly it is not more difficult to prepare specimens for the Sterescope than for the Microscope. -----Will you not do ^much^ better by me than that? ---- I intend purchasing either Sterescopic or Microscopic Zoological Specimens, and have the money for that purpose.
Do you know of a work describing