Transcribe Bierce, S. C. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-06-30)

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Dear Sir.

Your rec'd as indicted by postal written hurriedly at the office. Your postal received Sat. night. Owning to dilating movements on the part of a messenger. I did not get measurements until now. I send all here. Doors are not tongued and grooved. The exact length of case doors is 68t.l in. The thickness is 1 3/8 in. - where you indicated.

The racks and brackets are not get here. The second coat of paint had been applied the day I received your letter and white coat of course. The workmen had it all ready for bolts on the 24th The glass is not in because they wished the locks put on first. Everything awaits racks, locks etc. Cases finished excepting that I wish particularly to know whether when the last coat is applied as I shall have and then put on, linted the white wall is to be left as it is.- white not tinted. The farther directions if there are any write answers to this last question should be sent to Sec'y J. A. Clark as I