Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-11-09)

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for it. The exhibition will I suppose call away all the taxidermists for a fortnight. I understand that Mr. Howell is planning to go to Frisco and am sorry to hear it It is disagreeable to have both you and him away - es- pecially when you are both two weeks (letter time) distant Have had some experience of this during past few months and know that it is not pleasant. However it will probably come out all right.

    Mr. Preston is helping the taxidermists at present and

doing some stuffing - also </s all > sends catalogues, attends to smaller egg orders & c. He is wishing for your return and a raise of wages, as his present pay barely supports himself and wife with strictest economy.

    Do not think of anything more, - will write again to -

morrow if anything further comes up. Steamer sails on 19th Respectfully Yours, Arthur B. Baker. Cox, the clothier, is very anxious to procure some of the square Japanese coins and sent word by Charles, asking me to write you about them - also asked Mr. Hornaday, and said he would be willing to pay liberally for them.

    Shall add to order to Blaschka, any models still needed

for M. C. H. or Hyatt - there are several.