Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-09-01)
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send the balance to Putze to be applied on your account. We have received word from Fargo Wells & Co. of New York that they have a case for you from Liverpool. We suppose it must be Hypervodon skeleton from H.C.Muller of Faroe Islands, but how it should come to F. W. & Co. we do not understand. The bill has been sent to Tice & Lynch with the re- quest that they would look after it.
Kanouse writes that he has some Wolverine skins
for you and can probably get 2 or 3 Indian skeletons. He prefers to let the Mt. Goat matter wait till your return, as he is in no need of the money.
Mr. Lucas is still in Canada - will be away about
a week longer. Messrs </s Lucas >, Staebner & DeKempeneer start tomorrow morning for a week's trip down the St. Lawrence. Mr. Hornaday has finished little Ele- phant and is on Giant Armadillo. Webster is on (male) & William on (female) Mt. Goat. Wood is away this week - sick. Charles is working quite steadily this week. Bailly is mounting Gavial skeleton and Gueret a camel.
Gerrards writes that he is disappointed in the size of the
Hatteria. "I understood from Prof. Ward's letter that they were to be full grown, whereas 3 of them are not 1/2 the size of some I had a few years ago and the other 3 are not much larger than the 3 small ones. I ought certainly to have had larger specimens for the price. Do you know if Prof. Ward is likely to come thro' Lon- don as the shortest way to Rochester". </s Tell him probably not. > This will