Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-04-28)

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Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-04-28), page 1

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Dear Prof. Ward,

Your letter of Mch 29th was received today. Have noted your offer to Mr. Garman and forwarded the letter to him. We are glad to hear that you were about to stop at New Zealand on the way out, and that you have had such good success there.

We wrote you last week via Brindisi, but will repeat what was told you then as this will doubtless reach you first.

Enclosed is statement for three months ending April 1 '81. We added to Jan 1. Inventory the increase by purchases and total amount of wages; from this result we subtracted the amount of sales (at inventory prices), including cost of work on specimens mounted since Jan. 1., thus giving inventory value of stock April 1. Expenses have exceed amount of cash received (from Bills Receivable- due Jan. 1, - and from Sales- made since Jan. 1.) by $280. Stock has increased $655., Bills Receivable, $470. and Bills Payable have decreased ($355., giving gross profit of $1,480, and leaving a net profit of $1,200. In case of