Transcribe Catalogue of glass models of invertebrate animals (1888)

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[handwritten] Rare Books                                          [handwritten] RB- 37100


In offering these Models of Invertebrates (made by Blaschka, of Dresden) to American naturalists and teachers, I wish to call attention to the fact that they are copies of animals forms to which the ordinary methods of preservation are not applicable. Everyone familiar with the living sea-anemones, polyps, and jellyfish, knows how utterly impossible it is to preserve either their form or color after death. Yet without these forms, represented in some way, it is impossible to get or convey any complete or symmetrical knowledge of invertebrate zoology. Alcoholic preparations are invaluable for dissection and special anatomical study, but what is to replace in these groups - for example, among the Actiniaw, Hydroidea, Acalephae, etc., - the stuffed skins and prepared skeletons with which we illustrate the groups of higher animals? Obviously where living or fresh specimens are unobtainable, nothing remains but models, and it is to meet just this want that the present specimens are offered. They fill a gap in educational collections which has heretofore been only partially bridged by the use of drawings and charts.

That they are faithfully models of the living species which they represent, has been heartily acknowledged by every close observer who has examined them. In execution and finish, even to the minutest details of texture, coloration, or translucence, they are almost absolutely faultless. Each one, independently of its scientific value, is a work of art which only needs to be seen to draw forth expressions of admiration and surprise that such imitation is possible,

Orders will be filled as promptly as possible, and all specimens carefully packed. Address

                                      HENRY A. WARD,
                                                 No. 2 College Avenue, Rochester, N.Y.

N.B.- This catalogue, with its prices, is for the use of Professors in colleges who can, when Models arrive, furnish "College Oath" to enter them free of duty at Custom House. No discounts are possible.
