Transcribe Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-04-28)

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Smithsonian institution
Washington, D.C., Apr. 28, 1881
Dear Sir;
I am about to send by railroad freight
two kegs, the larger of which contains
1 Skin, number 13285, of Histriophoca equestris and
1 Entire Skeleton, " 16484 of the same animal from which the

skin was taken.

the smaller keg contains one skin, number

13284, of Histriophoca equestris for which we have no part

of the skeleton. The larger keg contains only dry salt as

a preservative, and will need immediate attention.

Please prepare ^and mount^ the skeleton ^with skull^ separately and

mount the skins win your best manner, making up 

skulls for them.
Yours very truly,
SF Baird
Secretary Smithsonian Institution
Prof. H. A. Ward
Rochester, N. Y.