Transcribe Atwood, N. E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-05-31)
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Dear Sir
Yours of the 28th just duly received, saying you wish to procure at least a dozen, & perhaps 100 specimens of the Horse show Crab, and also a dozen flippers of the Blackfish. you ask the address of some one in this vicinity who could procure them for you, in reply, I have to say I know of no one here better- situated to aid you than myself, and will do so if you wish me to. I can get the Horse Shoe Crabs by paying the boys to go over the flats at low tide and bring them to me for a few cents. Can put them in a rough box and ship them to you by Express. When I think they will reach you live if the weather is not every hot our people here keep them alive 4 or 5 days and then chop them up to peed their hens, There has been no Blackfish here the past 5 years. if they come this season I will procure the flippers if possible and send them to you when you receive this please write by return mail, if you wish me to send a box of H.S. Crabs. Respectfully yours
N E Atwood