Transcribe Agassiz, Alexander. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-01-19)

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nwh Museum of Comparative Zoology, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Jan 19/83 My dear Sir

       The whale is now ? painted up

platform removed and room cleaned up and it looks admirably well and I am amply repaid for all the trouble we have had When there are two or three male fry along side it will look even better. I have also had the Walrus removed and will put in its place hereafter a case of ?

       I am waiting to get the sketch you have

mailed of mounting the ?. We have irons here I think which will do. I fear the man here does not have ? confidence in his capacity to repair the ? when the, diagram of ? ? he cannot put it up I will let him go.


A. Agassiz