Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1877-06-11)

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He says I had better stick to the hills like other people for at least 3 wks more, as its at its hottest on the plains below. Now, I will write again to Theobald, and ask him if it is true that there is no (or little) fever there a month from this date. It is curious but there are times when the deadliest forests are clear of fever for a few months at a time. [Climate?] changes.

I am *very* anxious to go to the Annamallies, mainly because I have failed here, because it costs almost nothing to go there from the Coimbatore; because Theobald says it is the best place; and that I can do my work there cheaper than anywhere else; and especially do I want to go there to get out 2 elephant skeletons for you *cheap*. I *know* that if I went & kept my health I could bring out 2 skels at figures that would surprise you. I should make them a specialty & care little if I got nothing else. I feel it is my *duty* to get you those skels, myself, and not leave it for some one ot do here after at a high profit on you. How would you like to have *2* at Madras for £30-- one a tusker? Well, I could do just that provided I kept my health. Is it not worth the trial? Your letter