Transcribe Baker, Arthur B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1885-10-04)
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ybg Banner, Trego Co., Kansas Oct. 4, 1884.
Dear Prof. Ward,
Your card of Sept. 25 reached me
yesterday. Your letter with the list of specimens failed to reach me: in fact Ihave had no word from you in a long time. The mail changes hands and is sorted over several times before it reaches this point, and there is considerable chance for loss of letters.
I have been extremely busy this
summer and autumn, and have steadily gained in health and strength, and, I think, in weight. I have had very little time for collecting and have several fossils out in the bluffs- fossils which I dug out several weeks ago and have not yet had time to bring in.
I am very sorry to have missed your
letter and shall look for another, Respectfully yours Arthur B. Baker