Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1884-11-20)

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little trouble as possible. After Keeping house for myself and herder during the summer, there is little danger that Capt. Richarz' place would not furnish sufficient lux- try for me.

    I should be more than glad

to come to New Orleans; but what would be the effect of that moist (As I suppose it must be ) climate. I will write by this mail for my physician"s advice. How soon would you wish me to come? The more economic way, doubtless, would be for me to go direct to New Orleans; thence to D'Hanis. You can easily imagine what a pleasure 'twould be for me to meet you again after seeing but one familiar face since leaving home.

    I shall leave here, as soon as 
I can get things into shape for