Transcribe Agassiz, L. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1871-07-10)

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As you kept me waiting for a monleur, I have engaged one for a year, who does excellent work. How much would a full series of all your Casts </u taken from originals > cost me? I do not want those recast from Casts. If it does not amount to more than what I can pay cash now, I would order them to receive them when it best suits you. As. to the Skeletons you have now on hand Keep them as loose bones, until I have become satisfied that you can mount them in such a way as not to render them useless for study.

    The fishes (Sturgeons &c.) I should like

to receive as soon as the greatest heat is passed, or during a rainy spell.. Very truly yours L.Agassiz H. Ward Esq