Transcribe Agassiz, L. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1871-05-01)

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ybg Cambridge, May 1st 1871. Dear Sir,

    I have still so little strength that I  postpone

day after day what I should do at once. So I have left your pressing letter unanswered, but I could not help it.

    If the Surgeons are not very large, i.e. much

over 2 feet in length I should like 12 to 15 specimens, of each; if about 3 feet about half the number; if over 5 feet I should not like more than two or three of each species. As soon as you have got them send all the Fishes to Cambridge, and if Lepidosteus & Amia together make a handy Reg send them at once.

    In a few days I shall send you a Skeleton of

the Auerochs, the Buffalo of Europe, unless the specimen turns out to be already prepared, on opening the box