Transcribe Regan, Wm. M. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1886-05-22)

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nwh May 22nd 1886 Mr. Henry A. Ward,

     16 College Ave.
     Rochester, N. Y.

Dear Sir: - I enclose prospectus and blank application for space in the Minneapolis exposition and would be pleased to have you con- sider the advisability of making a display here. I had some con- versation with Mr. Washburn, representing the Minnesota Academy of Science of this city, with whom you have been in correspondence and I am confident should this Academy decide to make the purchases they contemplate, eventually doing, within the next year, your dis- play here would have great influence upon them and might be the means of inducing a number of our wealthy citizens to combine and aid the Academy in securing a magnificent collection. At the same time I do not wish to be misunderstood and will state that the Academy wishes to be in no manner bound to make a purchase, owing to your having made a display here: Mr. Washburn, and I presume