Transcribe Wright, J. M. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1886-03-31)
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ybg THE SOUTHERN EXPOSITION AT LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. March 31st, 1886. Mr. Henry A Ward Rochester, N. Y. Dear Sir :-
Referring to exhibit of your National History
collection in the Southern Exposition of 1886 I am instructed by our Board of Directors to say- FIRST. Your proposal of March 22nd, 1886 to bring only sev eral pieces from the New Orleans Ex position for $600 &c is declined. SECOND Your proposal made to me in our conversation in my office to bring a collection from </s Philadelphia > Rochester for $1000 &c is declined. THIRD. We accept your proposal dated march 18th, 1886 imbod- ied in your letter of which the following is a copy. My first letter to you gave the dates of the Expositionn August 28th to October 23rd, which in your letter you miss wrote seven weeks but corrected in our conversatio n and I have. there fore written eight weeks. I. have telegraphed you at New Or leans so that you would know that the prices at New Orleans would come here and not go back to Rochester as was suggest ed by our last conversation before you left here. Having ac- cepted your proposal we expect a good exhibition from you. W which I feel quite sure you will take an interest in giving us. Very Truly Yours JMWright President.