Transcribe Gaumer, Geo F. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-11-16)
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These collections will be
packed in four boxes as follows, viz: No. 1, Bird's Eggs No. 2 large Birds, Mammals, shells and Reptiles. No. 3, Small Birds from Yucatan. No. 4, Small Birds from New Mexico. Any one of these Boxes will be sold alone for $100.00 or the four for $3.00.00. This is less than one half of whole - sale prices but I must have money immediately or I would not offer so cheap.
These will only be sold for
cash or C. O. D. If you wish to purchase this collection or any part of it please telegraph (at my expense) as follows, Geo. F. Gaumer I will take (all) or Box 1 as the case may be, and I will send them at once.