Transcribe Scudder, Charles L. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-11-08)

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ybg HARVARD MEDICAL COLLEGE Chemical Laboratory. Boston, November 8 1883 Henry A. Ward Esq. Dear sir; The human skeleton with suspension ring arrived safely last night. I have, too, the bill for said skeleton, $50.00. boxing .50 making $50.50. I find that everything is as could be wished but two points, which being rather prominent defects, I feel justified in asking you to make some allowance in your bill for them. Each femur has a </u crack > all the way through the bone from greater tuberosity to external condyle. In one it is more evident than in the other. These cracks hurt the appearance of the bones considerably. Yours truly Chas. L. Scudder. 17 Buckingham St; Cambridge, Mass.