Transcribe Andrews, Mary E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-07-31)

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No. 171 Millepora aluiruis $0.75

 "    187 Metridium margniction                .25
 "    190 Glass model (single species)      1.25
 "    199 Tribipora musica                           .50
 "    204 Cugorgia aurantiaca                    .30
 "    206 Pterogorgia setosa                      1.50
 "    264  Fumgia rerpanda                        .60
 "    292 Madrepora flabelliformis            .25
 "    308 Porites mucronata           50        ./
 "    379 Terebratula sanguinea                .30

One or two alcoholic specimens of any representative species of the class Asteroidea -

 "    435 Diadema setosune                      1.00
                (with spines}
 "    435 Diadema setosune                       .75
            (without spines)
 "    876 Octopus -                                   2.00
 " Spirula Peronie                                      .60
 " Nautilus pompilius                              -----

I wish one perfect specimen and one sawn across to show septa

 " 885 Argonanta argo                            1.00

To be sent to St. Agatha's School Spring field Illinois. Mary E. Andrews Delaware Ohio.