Transcribe Allen, J. A. Letter to Ward, H. A. (1883-03-11)

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nwh Mch. 11, 1883. Dear Prof. Ward,

       Please add  Rhinoceros

bicornis to the African list of Mammals - and Phoerricopterus ruber to the list of Birds. - say one of the specimens you recently brought of Mr. Brewster.

      All right about the skeletons of sheep &

dog on last bill. ------ How is it about specimens I decided to keep after having marked them off the bills? I do not see that you charged for them on last bill. There are some half-dozen or so (birds) in all I believe. Think it would be well to clear the matter up by putting them in the next bill.

      As to the magots in the Whale skeleton,

-- I have made as good an examination as I could & could see none on the surface, so